Lena Österberg appointed Head of Sustainability Research & Strategy at Carnegie
Lena Österberg is one of the most highly qualified equity research analysts in the Swedish market....
Carnegie Edge contains about 60,000 research reports. The service includes compiled data on many markets and sectors.
In total, Carnegie Edge includes research coverage of more than 350 Nordic companies of which close to 80 are Norwegian.
VPS is the only central securities depository in Norway, and provides an efficient infrastructure and services for the settlement of transactions in securities and the registration of ownership rights over securities. The company offers registration for all the major types of financial instruments that are traded in Norway, namely shares, bonds, equity certificates, short-term bonds and funds. VPS offers a range of products that is extensive even by international comparison.
Lena Österberg is one of the most highly qualified equity research analysts in the Swedish market....
In January 2021 we launched our new website. It is still under construction, but we...