Carnegie offers varied and stimulating opportunities in a dynamic work environment, where high quality is our top priority. Carnegie´s core values are commitment, team spirit, participation and motivation. Being a leading investment bank creates high expectations for ourselves and what we deliver. A clear message based on strong values is important so that our customers know what to expect from us as a company. This requires a strong culture.
Carnegie’s culture is characterized by goal-oriented employees with an entrepreneurial spirit and a business focus. An important driving force is the opportunity to influence earnings through the employee’s own efforts. A competitive incentive system is therefore critical in being able to attract and retain the best employees. It also offers opportunities to reward ideas, creativity and motivation and results in increased productivity and performance, which creates value for clients, employees and owners.
Carnegie plays an imortant role in the market economy by contrubuting to channelling money in an efficient manner to productive investments that increase welfare in society.
Investment Banking
Carnegie’s strong market position within Investment banking and business flows mean that you will quickly gain experience.
What do we work with?
Within Mergers & Acquisitions, Equity Capital Markets and Debt Capital Markets, work is conducted in transaction teams that normally consist of an account manager, a project manager and one or more analysts.
- The account manager has overall responsibility for all contacts with the client and the transaction in question. Work assignments include contacts with existing clients and identification and pursuit of new clients.
- The project manager’s task is to lead the transaction team’s work and coordinate contacts with the client, potential investors or counterparties in the transaction and other advisors.
- Work assignments for analysts include analysis of companies and industries, company valuations and preparation of presentation materials, prospectuses and other documentation. In the early stages, this work includes contacts with clients, other advisors and potential investors.
A career in Securities is very varied, with many opportunities within a number of specialist functions.
What do we work with?
Our research team is one of the most highly ranked in the world with respect to analysis of Nordic companies. The team supplies in-depth analyses of companies and industries and provides recommendations of shares and strategic advice. Work within analysis is performed by teams of two to three persons who are responsible for the companies in a specific industry. Analysts also follow the development of the international competitors to the companies that they officially monitor. This work entails taking an active role at an early stage in valuation work, preparation of the analysis and participating in both client meetings and meetings with management of Norway’s largest companies. This is a highly entrepreneurial sector of the financial industry in which the analyst is ranked personally by the clients. Career advancement is thus determined by how skilled the analyst is, rather than his or her previous job experience.
Sales team/Sales trading (brokerage) is responsible for maintaining contact with client portfolio managers and for executing client orders. The client dialogue involves not only composition of the entire portfolio, but also recommendations of individual shares.
Business Control is a support function for Securities. You can work within Back Office, International Back Office and Product Control.
Business Support
Through continuous change and improvement, we ensure that all business areas receive the support they need and are thus able to devote themselves entirely to business operations.
What do we work with?
IT is responsible for the Group’s common IT systems.
Human Resources (HR) is responsible for recruitment, employer branding, competence development, work environment, salary administration and benefits.
Human Resources (HR) is responsible for recruitment, employer branding, competence development, the strategic work environment management and compensation and benefits.
The Credit Department is primarily responsible for credit operations.